Now Looking Green Is Looking Good - New York Times:
The phrase and the concept — there is good money to be made in preserving the environment — is so often repeated that it has become a cliché. So it was probably inevitable that some enterprising advertising agency would figure that there is equally good money to be made from specializing in ads that promote greenness.
And, in fact, agencies with a green specialty are sprouting like alfalfa.
“When I started out in 2003 there were maybe five or six green agencies around,” said John Rooks, president of Dwell Creative, a three-person environmental ad agency in Portland, Me. “There’s got to be at least 50 of us now.”
There are no hard numbers to prove his point. Neither the American Association of Advertising Agencies nor AAR Partners, which helps clients find agencies, have kept count. But anecdotal evidence is mounting. “The nonprofits are realizing that it takes money to create a brand, and the corporations are finally getting that their customers really care about green,” said Hugh C. Hough, who founded the advertising agency Green Team in New York 12 years ago.